
Mörderin by John Blanche

Created by Thistle

John Blanche presents a new range of 32mm grimdark femmes miniatures based upon his artwork.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Quick BackerKit Update
4 months ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 12:06:25 PM


Just a quick update on the status of the BackerKit pledge manager…

The Kickstarter funds only just cleared today (we had to wait for the funds in order to pay BackerKit’s fees upfront). BackerKit will not review the pledge manager (which was all setup last week) until their fees are paid, hence why we have not been able to release it yet. Please accept our apologies for this delay, which was sadly out of our hands.

BackerKit screenshot

We have now paid BackerKit’s fee and the Mörderin pledge manager is now in review. BackerKit say the setup review may take up to two business days, so hopefully this means we will be able to finally give you all access to the pledge manager on Wednesday/Thursday this week. One quick note – BackerKit do say their office will be closed for the 4th and 5th of July due to the US national holiday. So fingers crossed they complete the review before then!

Once the review is complete, BackerKit will do what they call a ‘Smoke Test’. What is a Smoke Test, I hear you ask?

BackerKit screenshot

Well a smoke test sends surveys to 5% of backers from the Mörderin campaign. It’s purpose is to catch any potential errors in the survey to ensure everything runs smoothly. Once the smoke test has been completed, we can send surveys to everyone else!

So please watch out for the next update… and an email from BackerKit very soon! And remember: If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to send us a message or simply post in the comments below.



Cage your ravens!
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 03:30:19 AM


Well, it appears we may have been a little hasty with our expectations to release the BackerKit pledge manager (and open for late backers) this week. According to BackerKit, they recommend waiting until 14 days after the Kickstarter campaign has ended with the following reasoning:

"You should wait 14 days after your crowdfunding campaign ends before sending out surveys. Kickstarter takes approximately 14 days to finish processing payments and allowing backers with failed payments a chance to update their method of payment. After the 14 days, your crowdfunding site should send you your payments and you'll see which backers haven’t yet paid."

We also need to pay the BackerKit invoice first, which we can only do when Kickstarter sends us the funds (hopefully within the next week, although Kickstarter do state that it could take a few days longer). Hence why we need to cage the ravens!*

The pledge manager has all been setup, along with the BackerKit late backer/pre-order store, so as soon as the Kickstarter funds clear, we will pay the BackerKit invoice and launch the pledge manager! As soon as this happens, all backers will receive an email from BackerKit to complete the survey. And we will of course post an update here!

A quick note for Apple ID Backers: 

Backers who have pledged to the campaign using their AppleID, but haven't completely set up their Apple Pay account (linking their email address to their Apple Wallet), will have issues receiving their emails from BackerKit. 

Those backers have a '' email address and will need to reach out to BackerKit Support to update their email address in BackerKit. 

You'll be able to reach out to BackerKit Support by clicking the "need help" link from the Lost Survey page: When you write in to Support, please provide your name and your Kickstarter pledge number, which can be found in your Kickstarter pledge confirmation email.

Please update your Apple Pay email as soon as possible to prevent this from happening in the future. You can learn more about hiding your email when  signing in with Apple here.


If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to send us a message or simply post in the comments below.



* Similar to the 'hold your horses' idiom, essentially meaning 'wait' or 'slow down!'

Pledge manager update
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 05:46:47 AM

Good folk, draw near and listen! The day of reckoning is at hand…

In this update we will talk about:

  • BackerKit survey/pledge manager
  • Late backers
  • Future updates

BackerKit Pledge Manager update

We are currently preparing the BackerKit survey, organising items and setting up the pre-order store for late backers. This survey will be sent to all backers later next week, allowing you to answer a few straightforward questions about your pledge, including supplying/changing address, adding any add-on miniatures and so forth.

Please remember that shipping will be charged later, closer to when we are ready to ship.  When we do charge for shipping, it will be done by weight, meaning that you will get the cheapest possible combined shipping rate!

Don’t worry, we will be here every step of the way, posting updates and answering questions. We understand that not everyone has backed a Kickstarter or used a pledge manager before, so we will keep everything as straightforward as possible. Additionally, BackerKit will be available to answer questions directly in the pledge manager, with any unresolved tickets forwarded to us for assistance. 

Any questions, drop us a message anytime! 

Late backers

If anyone missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, you will be able to make a late pledge once we launch the pledge manager next week. A link to do this will be added to the top of the campaign page.


No rest for the wicked, our design goblin has been chained to his desk in the deepest bowels of Castle Blanche, pumped full of mushrooms and compelled to sculpt until all stretch goal miniatures are done.

We aim to post regular updates on the progress of each miniature, allowing you to witness a little of the process as the sculpt goes through each stage. Arrce of the Covenant is currently vying for attention with one of the Voudoo Bears. I wonder who might win that battle…?

Future updates

Finally a heads up on future updates. Throughout the campaign, it is considered important (and polite!) to post updates as regularly as every day or two. Once the campaign is over, updates become a little less frequent for a number of reasons (not least of which being the fact that there is simply so much for us to do).

We aim to continue posting updates on the important stuff (sculpting, production, fulfilment etc), plus anything else we feel you may be interested in as frequently as we can, although sometimes it may be a week or more between updates the further down the line (and the closer to fulfilment) we get.

Just want to manage expectations a little/assure you that we will not be constantly spamming your inbox!

We shall leave you with a quick photo of Salomia from the Zealot foundry where master moulds are currently being made… More photos soon!




Three cheers for all our backers!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 12:20:13 PM

Jolly japes! Huzzah! Hurrah!

Thanks to all 2,158 of you we have only gone and done it! What a campaign. A monumental thank you to everyone for joining John and the team on this journey. We are incredibly grateful to every one of you for your support and belief in us and the Mörderin project. You have our heartfelt gratitude...

So, what happens next?

Well, a number of things! Presently, we shall be unveiling the BackerKit pledge manager. Once we possess precise timings and details, we shall illuminate you as to details in an upcoming update (this will include instructions for those who have not used Kickstarter/BackerKit before). In the ensuing weeks, expect updates on the sculpting of the stretch goal miniatures, the development process including mould making and casting, as well as details concerning fulfilment and shipping fees.

A grand journey lies ahead, but rest assured, we shall soon provide an estimated timeline to give you a clearer understanding of the entire process, accompanied by approximate timescales. We look forward to updating you on every step of this journey and offering glimpses into John’s future plans for Mörderin...

Finally, if you are reading this and are cursing the fates because you have just missed out on backing John’s Kickstarter, do not fear! We will be open for late backers soon, so be sure to come back and check.

Once more, an immense thank you to each and every one of you!



It’s the Final Countdown!
4 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:12:48 PM

Halloo gentlefolk!

We are now into the final 24 hours of the Kickstarter... plus we have passed 2000 backers! Huzzah!

Here is a quick WIP render of the Drummer of Hearts stretch goal (free to all backers). This punk teddy is almost done, just a couple of tweaks here and there.

As soon as the campaign ends tomorrow (12th June at 8pm BST) we will be taking stock and going through the final stages of setting up the BackerKit pledge manager. Once it is ready, BackerKit will email all backers directly with a link to the pledge manager. This is where you will be able to add/choose any paid add-on miniatures that you might like.

We will give detailed instructions on how to do this in due course, since we are aware that not everyone will have used Kickstarter or indeed a pledge manager before. So keep an eye out for those updates!

Thank you again, one and all, for being such splendiferous supporters!

Have a most ebullient day.

