
Mörderin by John Blanche

Created by Thistle

John Blanche presents a new range of 32mm grimdark femmes miniatures based upon his artwork.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wishes granted, souls taken.
14 days ago – Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 06:19:18 AM


Many apologies that it has been so long since the last update – we’ve had a few ill people in the family of various degrees of seriousness. A couple are potentially quite serious and we are just waiting on some test results. Rather worrying, but we carry on as life waits for no one!

In this update:

  • Latest voudoo bear art from John
  • WIP shots of Arrce of the Covenant
  • Resin master minis for the initial four femmes

Voudoo Bear

As many of you who follow John are no doubt aware, his health has not been the best (quite an understatement) for a while now, but he has managed to sketch the third teddy to be sculpted as a free stretch goal mini to everyone backing at the GBP30 Mörderin level. Our sculptor is busy at work with all the stretch goal minis, including this delightful little fellow. Progress shots in forthcoming updates!

Voudoo Bear by John Blanche

Arrce of the Covenant

"Wishes granted, souls taken."

Here are some WIP shots of Arrce taken whilst James, our sculptor, is posing the model. Everything is being sculpted in ZBrush. You may be able to make out the rough joins where various parts of the anatomy go together – this is part of the process in trying to get the pose just right. Once the pose looks good, these joins will be sculpted according to the position of the anatomy and blended in. Even though some areas will not be seen once the model is clothed, it is still vital to get the pose and anatomy correct, hence why the base model is always sculpted as a nude.

Oh and please note that the skull is just a placeholder at the moment. James is working on a skull that looks more like the one in John’s artwork (below).

Once the pose is finalised, the next step will be to dress her as per John’s original artwork. The next update will include pictures of the finished model.

Resin masters

And here are some shots of the resin master models of the original four characters, including a scale shot alongside a miniature based on a rather well known (and loved, I dare say) piece by John Blanche: Canoness Verydian (copyright Games Workshop).

Resin masters by Zealot Miniatures
Scale shot for comparison (copyright Games Workshop).
And here is Jagerin with the free busby alt hat that everyone backing at the GBP30 Mörderin level will get!

Thank you all once again for supporting this project. And very sorry for the length of time between updates - it shan't happen again! See you in the next update!



BackerKit surveys
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 04:49:52 AM

32mm scale multi-part resin masters, assembled and ready for the hunt.

Halloo fantastic people!

We trust you are all safe and well. Just a quick update and follow up regarding BackerKit surveys...

About 85% of backers have now completed the pledge manager survey, so many thanks to you! Reminder emails have been sent to those who have yet to complete the survey, so please check your inboxes and spam. 

I didn’t get the survey email – help!

If you did not receive the survey email then BackerKit have some useful info on what may be the cause (and what can be done to fix it) here:

If you are still having difficulties then please drop us a message via Kickstarter and we will gladly assist you.

A reminder about shipping

Shipping will be charged later. This is necessary since postage costs have a habit of changing more than once each year. We want to charge the correct shipping fees for everybody, so we will calculate actual costs just prior to shipping when we have accurate, current prices. This helps us to avoid overcharging backers for shipping.

As always, do ask if you have any questions. Thank you for your attention you splendid humans! 



An extra add-on option + some clarification
3 months ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 02:16:54 PM


Well incredibly more than half of you have already completed the BackerKit pledge manager survey, so thank you very much for doing that! For those who have not completed it yet, do not fear - it will remain open for a few months yet (throughout production).

Some of you have asked about the "I Crave All" item in the pledge manager and wanted some clarification, which I hope to do now.

Essentially, the "I Crave All" is for those people who want to add everything in one simple click. However, it perhaps wasn't made clear enough that this would be in addition to any existing pledge. 

So, for example, if you backed for the original GBP30 Morderin pledge (the original four minis + free stretch goals) and add the "I Crave All" option in the pledge manager, you will end up with duplicates of the Morderin pledge. For anyone who did this by mistake, you can go back into BackerKit and remove it if you want. In fact, you can add or remove any items right up to the point when we close the pledge manager in a few months (once production has completed).

If you want to add all the extra minis (six in total - Elspeth, Queen Grimhilde, Arrce of the Covenant, Boarding Hussar, Nasty Piece of Work and Queen Voudoo) you can add these individually. However, to hopefully make life a little easier, we have just added a new "All the Extras" item in BackerKit which includes these six figures. 

I hope that makes sense! If not, we will happily answer any questions you may have, either via message or in the comments section below.

A reminder about shipping

Shipping will be charged later. This is necessary since postage costs have a habit of changing more than once each year. We want to charge the correct shipping fees for everybody, so we will calculate actual costs just prior to shipping when we have accurate, current prices. This helps us to avoid overcharging backers for shipping.

I didn’t get the survey email – help!

If you did not receive the survey email then BackerKit have some useful info on what may be the cause (and what can be done to fix it) here:

If you are still having difficulties then please drop us a message via Kickstarter and we will gladly assist you.

Thank you for your attention you wonderful people!



Pledge manager is now live!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 11:27:39 AM


BackerKit surveys have now been sent to all backers! Please check your inboxes (and spam, just in case)!

I didn’t get the survey email – help!

If you did not receive the survey email then BackerKit have some useful info on what may be the cause (and what can be done to fix it) here:

If you are still having difficulties then please drop us a message via Kickstarter and we will gladly assist you.

Do I have to select add-ons now, even though stretch goals have not been sculpted yet?

Short answer: No, not at all! That would be most dastardly of us to expect that!

BackerKit will remain open until after we have finished sculpting all stretch goal miniatures, so you do not have to select any add-ons now, unless you want to. You can go back into the BackerKit pledge manager any time if you want to make changes (adding/removing add-ons, change of address etc), right up to the point when we close BackerKit.

Cards will be charged closer to fulfilment when production is complete and we are ready to begin shipping. This means you will be charged for any add-ons and shipping only when we close the BackerKit pledge manager (which will be a few months yet – estimated delivery date for this Kickstarter is March/April 2025). And do not worry - we will give you plenty of advance warning before we close BackerKit.

Lost survey?

Here's the link to BackerKit. You just need to enter your Kickstarter email to access the survey:

As always, if you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to send us a message via Kickstarter!



BackerKit pledge manager opening Friday 5th July!
4 months ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 12:06:49 PM

Halloo everyone!

Just to advise that we are in the midst of our BackerKit 'smoke test' (sending surveys to 5% of backers to ensure everything works smoothly), so some of you will have received links to complete your BackerKit survey today. 

The full pledge manager will open tomorrow (5th July) for everyone, barring any glaring errors from the smoke test (not that we expect any)! So please keep an eye out for the BackerKit email and be sure to check that pesky spam folder...

Any issues at all, drop us a message here anytime. 

Note: Those of you with Apple IDs may not receive the email from BackerKit. If you do not receive an email within the next two days, please contact us and provide a non-Apple ID email address so we can update BackerKit and they can re-send the email. 

Quick visual step-by-step guide:

(Please see comments in italic below each image)

The email you get should look something like this.
When you click the link in the email, you should get a screen like this. Simply select your country/state (as applicable) and click Get Started!
Next you get to select your pledge and any add-ons. In this example, the backer pledged GBP30 for the Morderin pledge. They have also decided to add Apolonia as a paid add-on (GBP8). Since the GBP30 has already been paid through Kickstarter, this leaves a balance of GBP8 for the add-on.
On the subsequent screen you need to enter your shipping address. Please make sure you include a phone number for shipping purposes (in case the courier needs to call). Click next!
Finally, you need to enter your payment details (credit or debit card). This is to cover shipping costs (to be advised as shipping is being charged when production is complete) and any add-ons you may have selected. Once this is all completed, click Place My Order! Thank you!

We hope this simple graphic step-by-step guide is useful, but any questions or problems, do get in touch by sending us a message via Kickstarter!

Once again, thank you for backing!

